Petition to Save the Squash Courts at Virgin Active Green Point


To: Management of Virgin Active Green Point

We, the undersigned members and squash enthusiasts, respectfully urge you to reconsider the decision to demolish the squash courts.

Benefits of Retaining the Squash Courts:

Increased Membership Appeal: Keeping the squash courts attracts a diverse range of members, enhancing overall membership numbers and retention rates.

Community Engagement: The courts foster a vibrant community atmosphere, encouraging social interaction and networking among members.

Revenue Generation: Offering squash leagues, tournaments, and coaching programs can create new revenue streams, boosting your business's profitability.

Health Promotion: Squash is an excellent way to promote fitness and well-being, aligning with Virgin Active's mission to support healthy lifestyles.

We ask you to prioritize these benefits and preserve our beloved squash courts for current and future members.

Should the courts be demolished we will cancel our membership at Virgin Active.

Dr Kerisha Haripersad    Contact the author of the petition

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