Petition Pietermaritzburg - South Road Garden Refuse Dump

We the residents of Pietermaritzburg, do hereby demand the Msunduzi Municipality undertake to immediately attend to issues pertaining to the South Road dump. We further demand that the Administrator, Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Speaker supply their minds to an urgent outsourcing of the waste collection & maintainence of the South Road Dump in the interim, whilst the Msunduzi Municipality is under Administration.The Residents of the Pietermaritzburg areas do not deserve the shoddy service which seems to now be the norm, and a SERIOUS HEALTH ISSUE in the area. The South Rod Dump is an ongoing issue without any resolution in sight.


The Residents propose the ffg:-


  • The dump must be shut considering the close proximity to Residential homes, FUel STation & Shopping Centre.
  • The rubbish must be removed immedietly as the dumpis bursting as its seams with Garden refuse, household refuse & builder's rubble.
  • The Dunp is regularly on fire causing serious risk to residents' health & safety with toxic fumes & smoke emanating from the fires.
  • The residents demand that the interim guards monitor the site on a 24hr basis. Preferable private guards as Municipal guards do not have control over the site.

Councillor Lucky Naicker    Contact the author of the petition

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