Petition of Opposition to Aylesworth Farms (Lennar Homes)


As residents of The Town of Winfield, we are writing to express our opposition to  the proposed rezoning and development of property by Lennar Homes in the  vicinity of 5807 E. 109th Avenue, Aylesworth Farms.  

The Land Use Plan for this site is not consistent with the intent of the Town of  Winfield Comprehensive Plan policies which states:  

Goal 3: Control growth to maintain small town and rural atmosphere. (p. 32) 

Goal 4: Ensure that homes in residential neighborhoods are attractive and  individual. Objective A- Develop architectural standards which include anti-monotony  provisions and discourage track housing. (p. 33) 

Goal 16: Maintain a small town, family-friendly community. (p. 38) 

Goal 25: Develop a marketable identity for Winfield. (p. 42) The identity and  character of Winfield will be lost with this development. 

Our opposition is also based on these potential/probable negative effects:

• The loss of neighborhood and community character

• A decrease in the market value of our homes due to the density of the single family homes AND cottage homes. Most homes are R4 lots and BELOW the  10,500 square foot minimum requirements as set by the Town of Winfield code

• Increased traffic congestion adding to an already dangerous situation on 109th Street. 

For all the above reasons we urge The Winfield Plan Commission and Winfield  Town Council NOT to approve the Lennar Homes Aylesworth Farms subdivision.  This space would be better used with R1 and R2 lots with all the amenities they  want to add to this neighborhood. 



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Stephen Morrissey & Mike Zolfo    Contact the author of the petition

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