For all those who love Our Lady of America, Patroness of the United States of America.

We were all introduced to Our Lady of America, The Immaculate Virgin by Sister Mary Ephrem. To know Our Lady even better, we would like to have a ground-swelling effort to embrace Sister Mary Ephrem as Servant of God.   


In the Church, we understand Our Lady of Lourdes through St. Bernadette; Our Lady of Fatima through Servant of God Lucia Santos; Our Lady of La Salette through Melanie Calvat, and so on. To understand Our Lady of America, we look to the example of Sister Mary Ephrem.  

This petition requests the nomination of “Sister Mary Ephrem – Mildred Marie Neuzil” as Servant of God. Many are awaiting the day when Sister Mary Ephrem, Jesus’ “little white dove” is brought to the Glory of the Altar.  

On September 26, 1956, the Feast of the North American Martyrs, Our Lady of America first Appeared to Sister Mary Ephrem in Rome City, Indiana:  

“I am Our Lady of America. I desire that My children honor Me, especially by the purity of their lives.”

“It is the United States that is to lead the world to Peace, the Peace of Christ, the Peace that He brought with Him from Heaven.”  

“I Come to you, oh children of America, as a Last Resort. I Plead with you to listen to My Voice… I am the Immaculate One, Patroness of your Land. Be My faithful children as I have been your Faithful Mother.”  

In July 1955, Our Lord Jesus Spoke to Sister:

“Ask Me not for a Sign. Wouldst thou be as the Scribes and Pharisees or even as My Apostles, always seeking Signs? What I ask of thee is Faith, that deep, strong Faith that seeks no Signs but only Believes."

"Thou thyself, shall be the Sign, the Sign I will give to the world. A little, white dove, a Sign of Peace, yes, the Reign of Peace in the world.”  

Our Lord Jesus Speaking to Sister Mary Ephrem, also of Sister’s confessor Archbishop Paul F. Leibold:

“I seek always the humble and lowly of heart and since I have found two such, so I have Entrusted to them a Great Mission, but become not vain, for I have Chosen him and you only because of your unworthiness and lack of virtue. Let this thought be with you always, that you may remember that it is I Working through you, Who sanctify you for His Glory and the salvation of souls, You are poor instruments in My hands, but through you a Great Work will be accomplished. I AM the Great Sculptor of souls. With Hammer and Chisel I Form them that they may Glorify My Father by their beauty and perfection. Be pliant in My Hands, oh My two lowly ones, My Priest and My little, white dove, and then will you be formed into My Likeness and through you I will be Formed in souls.” (Letter 2/20/54)  

“Our Lady of America Promised greater miracles than those granted in Lourdes and Fatima will be granted here in America, the United States in particular, if we do as She Desires.” (Sister Mary Ephrem Letter 2/2/60)

For a deeper understanding of Sister Mary Ephrem go to:


STORM “SISTER MARY EPHREM – MILDRED MARIE NEUZIL” WITH YOUR PRAYERS! You can make known the favors received through this link:

May all be for the Glory of God, the Triumph of Our Lady and for peace in the world!

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