Petition against Discriminatory Parking Policy

Please sign below if you believe that the parking policy 1) requiring patients (who happen to be employees) to call the parking office ahead of time and 2) limiting these individuals to a patient parking time of 3 hours is discriminatory and needs to be removed. 

Please note,

1) the office is not always open when a patient requires care or has an emergency situation,

2) during a healthcare crisis, stress is often overwhelming and parking is the last consideration when life or death issues are time-sensitive,

3) it is not infrequent that a healthcare event lasts days and patients are not able to respond to anything other than physical recovery,

and 4) it is foreseeable that this parking policy would exacerbate and result in a negative outcome to the patient.

THIS PARKING POLICY discriminates against patients based on their non-related status as employees.



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