Support Save TEF's Florida Forever New Project April Application (petition #3)


Summary of Project

SAVE TEF (Save the English Forest), a team of concerned citizens, of Tallahassee, Florida applied for a April 2023, Florida Forever New Project.

This 250± acre proposed project, The English Forest Preserve will sustain a 3-mile urban, passive Nature Corridor running north-south through the remaining 600-acre English Property PUD.

The English Forest Preserve will support myriads of biodiversity in multi-tiered ecosystems such as ravines, hardwood forests, wetlands, streams, sinkholes within our City limit of Tallahassee, significantly... Our Florida State Capital.

A second phase is projected to extend beyond the English Property PUD and will interface with the Apalachicola National Forest.  Once the proposed English Foresrt Preserve is established, it will be 'the South Gateway' to neighboring nature/wildlife management public lands in south Leon and Wakulla counties... including several Gulf of Mexcio coastal habitats of St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge.


Ahead of the June 9 meeting, ARC (Acquisition and Restoration Council) is accepting public input about all the projects (such as letters of support and petitions like this one).

SAVE TEF asks that you show ARC your support for the English Forest Preserve project application and help it pass the First Vote by signing this petition.

Your signatures/ comments will be collected on 06/08/2023 and submitted to Florida Forever New Project/ ARC on 06/09/2023...


Please share this petition link with your family, friends, associates on Facebook and other social media platform:


Current Status (05/10/2023)

The application is being reviewed by ARC.  This is a 10-member group consisting of representatives of four state agencies, four appointees by the Governor, one appointee by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and one appointee by the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

One of ARC’s responsibilities is to evaluate, select, and rank the land acquisition projects on the Florida Forever Priority List.  The application will be on the agenda for ARC’s June 9 meeting.  There will be a First Vote at that meeting for all the applications.  Proposed Projects that pass will undergo further evaluation and have to go through the Second Vote later in the year.˙



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