Pebble Falls Lifestyle Estate Owners/ Residents Strike and Day of Action MEMORANDUM

TO: Rubrix, Trustees, Top Managements

FROM: Pebble Falls Lifestyle Estate Owners/ Residents

DATE: 11 March 2024    

SUBJECT: Electricity Disconnection


We as Pebble Falls Lifestyle Estate Owners/ Residents would like to express our anger, frustration, and united solidarity against the horrifying conditions we are all faced within this complex.


We as the Owners and Residents had a meeting on 11 March 2024 @18;00 following our second Electricity blackout and are now proposing the following action to be done with immediate effect.

·       To remove the now elected board of Trustees (Rubrix)

·       To have our electricity restored immediately


Our proposed solution

·       We want the previous trustees to be reinstated with immediate effect

·       We want all the outstanding Municipal account to be settled

·       In the meantime we want a direct/ designated contact person to deal with our issues and to give us feedback to establish the correct communication channel


Kindly see attached annexure as supporting documentation that finances are being misused by our trusted trustees and top management off this complex and this is affecting us as owners and residents and therefore we give notices that if all our demands are not met Immediately will  we strike


we have the right to be given at least 14 calendar days notice of our Electricity Disconnection which that law was not met by you ( Rubrix, Trustees, Top Managements) which makes this Disconnection unlawful


signed attendance register/ Petition to validate this letter attached below.


Name & Surname         Unit Number           Date                    Signature                        

Pebble Falls Lifestyle Estate Owners/ Residents    Contact the author of the petition

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