Painter Barclay neighborhood speed limit change

Painter Barclay neighborhood speed limit change from 50km/h to 40km/h. 

with a lot of young children now in the neighborhood it's up to us to protected them. With no sidewalks to safely walk on it's becoming dangerous. 

Nearly all serious injuries and deaths (83%) happen on arterial roads. We know that when a driver hits a pedestrian at 50 km/h, there is an 85% likelihood that the impact will kill the pedestrian. The fatality rate falls to 30% at speeds of 40 km/h. Not only does lowering the speed limit to 40 km/h drastically improve someone's chances of surviving a collision, but driving at a lower speed can help avoid collisions entirely. Even if someone makes a mistake on the road, the increased reaction time can be the difference between a close call and a life-altering injury or death.


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