No to the project to open a Migrants Collective Housing Center

Association Bien vivre à Arzier-Le Muids (Bvalm)

(Living good in Arzier- Le Muids)


addressed to

to the Municipality and the Bureau of the Communal Council
of the commune of Arzier-Le Muids (1273)

No to the project to open a Migrants Collective Housing Center
No to the recurring problems of incivility and delinquency

EVAM (Etablissement Vaudois d'Accueil des Migrants) is looking to set up a new collective center for migrants in Arzier-Le Muids. This is not a good solution. Arzier-Le Muids is not an urban area.. The geographical remoteness of our rural municipality and the reception facilities mean that this project is likely to isolate the migrants. There is a real risk that they will roam around with nothing to do. This situation is not favorable to their integration. The accommodation offered to migrants is not adequate in terms of care (access to health care, community grouping, psychological support, etc.) or access to education. Already, for lack of space, some of our pupils have their classes in containers... - that is the last straw. In several host communities, we hear that the population would like to live normally/peacefully. They report security problems such as moral and physical violence, theft, damage to property and harassment of young people (mainly girls) on public transport. Our federal authorities recognise the problem. The police and judges complain about it.

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