Mungo Preset Manager Petition

This is an open petition for John Pillans of Mungo Enterprises to develop a module that enables the saving of presets for his digital 0 series of eurorack modules.

I know many (if not all!) Mungo users and enthusiasts who would love something like this. This is the one major thing missing from the Mungo line-up, and indeed is something that should help expand his market. Currently there are only two 3rd party modules that can save and recall Mungo presets - the Macro Machines Storage Strip that has been discontinued for years now, and the Shakmat Harlequin's Context that works for this use but takes up 12hp for its main intended uses that many users may not and do not have use for. MIDI devices can be used for saving and recalling Mungo presets too, however there are increasingly less and less people who use MIDI with their modular, as eurorack has fast become a standalone format of its own. Indeed many users don't use MIDI equipment with their modular systems at all. I for one am not interested in getting some MIDI device for the sole purpose of saving Mungo presets. 

The aim of this petition is to show John that there is a user demand for something like this, and that developing it would be financially feasible for him to do so. Perhaps he could even offer presales to help fund its creation if needed.

This does not need to be anything complex. Something like 4 buttons for save slots, a 3-4 way switch for different banks, and room for the current zoom switch behind 4hp would suffice.

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