More speed bumps & signage in Potgieter Rd, Cannon Rocks

 Potgieter Rd is a dirt road running for three kilometres in a straight line. It is part of the residential area of Cannon Rocks and the speed limit is 40kmph. However,  there are no stop signs, only one sign to indicate the speed restriction and one speed bump, at the start of the road. As a result, many people habituallly drive between 60 kmph and 80kmph for the entire 3 kilometres

The consequences of speeding are the risks to human safety (there are no sidewalks); the threat to wildlife (especially small buck, dikkops, owls and tortoises); and the dust nuisance to all residents of Potgieter Rd. 

We, the undersigned, call on the Ndlambe Traffic Department to remedy this situation by providing more speed bumps and signage with immediate effect.

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