Make Drag Shows 18+

Screenshot_2023-05-11_114648.pngIm starting this petition with the soul purpose to protect kids from being groomed , sexualized , indoctrinated mostly to keep them safe from pedophiles and predators.  


The end result is to in hopes to have a law passed in ontario to make drag shows 18 + events . To have drag queens/kings obtain an adult entertainment license including being vetted , criminal record checks as well Vulnerable sector check. To keep them from government funded buildings , parks   schools etc . These shows done at private events that are 18 plus . 


This is not a hate petition towards the LGBT community.  I support the community just not the new age woke narrative and ideologies. LGBT has fought extremely hard for the acceptance and rights they have today , they deserve better . Not to have their  movement be a mockery and joke. 

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