1. Dear Head of Department/School of Commerce


We, the undersigned students of LRM3701 Class of 2024 semester 1, respectfully submit this petition to address significant concerns regarding the recent portfolio assessments. Our collective concerns are as follows:


Remarking of Portfolio Scripts:

We request that our portfolio scripts be remarked by an impartial party. Many students have reported discrepancies and inconsistencies in the marking process that we believe warrant a thorough review.


Provision of Detailed Feedback and Guidelines:

It is crucial for our academic growth that we receive detailed feedback on our portfolio submissions. We request comprehensive comments on where we went wrong and clear guidelines on how to improve our work. This will ensure that we understand our mistakes and can work towards rectifying them in future assessments.


Removal of the Lecturer:

Due to numerous complaints regarding the conduct and teaching methods of Mr Ndoyi, we request their removal from our course. We believe that the current lecturer has not provided the support and clarity necessary for our academic success. We urge the administration to consider this change for the benefit of all students in the course.


Our education is of utmost importance, and we believe that these changes are necessary for us to achieve the standards of excellence expected from our institution. We hope that our concerns will be addressed promptly and effectively.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.



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