Laity Against Lock Downs

We ask Bishop Thomas Olmsted to resist closing our churches in the Diocese of Phoenix should there be any new government-issued stay-at-home orders.


Most Reverend Thomas Olmsted,

We, your spiritual children, are writing to urge you to resist any attempts to lock down our parishes again, either in the case of a government mandate or through your own decision. In these dark and unsettling times, the faithful of the Diocese of Phoenix need the grace of the sacraments and the comfort of our parish communities more than ever. The distress of losing the Mass and the Eucharist for so many weeks (including Holy Week and Easter) still weighs heavy on our hearts. Many of those who left the pews in March have not and will not come back. We are concerned that another diocesan lockdown will result in an even greater exodus of the faithful from our churches. Please lead your people into the breach, to worship our God as He desires and deserves, and to protect the souls of your flock in these strange and difficult times.

Your children in Christ Jesus,

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