Keep Steve Allen who murdered my brother in prison

I am asking for people to sign this petition to keep Steve Wayne Allen in prison the the next 16 years the rest of his sentence for murdering my brother Chuck Leeper may 8th 1988 in cold blood ..and on mothets day. He shot him in the head and shot his gf up pretty good also...he dont need to ever step out of prison. .he did shoot him he admitted it to me in a letter he sent me ..and he acted alone ..he was mad..not how you act when brother has been gone 32 years .didnt get to see his so chuckle Leeper grow up or any of his nieces or nephews and we still miss him alot .my mom passed away dec 1st and now his brother is try to get him out on clemency through the governor and I am hoping to stop it .please sign and dont let this cold blooded murder get out of jail before his time ..thanks 

Pamela (Leeper) Hove    Contact the author of the petition

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