Justice for Mother Elephant

A female pregnant elephant who was going to give birth in upcoming 18 to 20 months was feed with a pineapple which had a cracker inside... which unfortuneatly busted in her mouth... leaving her mouth and throat damage.... Still she was so kind that she still didnt harmed anyone... she ran to the lake and awaited there for herself and her infant to die... I m so shattered to see such kind of incident happening in the most literate state of india. This is so heart breaking.... I donno wheather to file a petition on this is a good idea or bad.... but some one told me today that most of the people will keep the story on instagram and write on twitter and will forget tommorow... And i didnt wanted to be one of them.... maybe this will help a little bit to provide justice for her...

I just want to say sorry onbehalf of all the fake humanity here...

May God help that beautiful soul rest in peace...❣

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