
Dear GCISD School Board Trustees and Superintendent,

Those who have signed this petition have done so of our own free will. This petition may represent GCISD students, parents, GCISD educational staff, and/or anyone within our Grapevine-Colleyville area who are supportive of Dr. James Whitfield’s continued dedication and service to Colleyville Heritage High School as its acting Principal.

On July 26, 2021 during the GCISD school board meeting Open Forum, former school board candidate & GCISD parent, Mr. Stetson Clark, mentioned Colleyville Heritage High School’s principal, Dr James Whitfield by name four times. Board President Jorge Rodriquez interrupted Mr Clark and told him to “please refrain from mentioning any GCISD employee by name”. Regardless, Mr Clark blatantly disregarded that request each time and continued to defame Dr Whitfield. Shortly after, a male voice from the room shouted "How about you fire him, then?" while others in the room clapped.

Again, Mr Clark disregarded the Board President and continued by shouting: “Dr Whitfield’s contract should be terminated effective immediately”.

We, the signees of this petition, find this behavior in direct violation of the statement: “Discussions of personnel or comments regarding District employees are not appropriate during Board meetings.” as noted in the document, GCISD Board of Trustees Frequently Asked Questions.Refer to Stetson Clarke's public comment at min 1:47:

We believe that Dr Whitfield has proven himself to be both professional & inclusive of all of his students and their educational goals & needs while maintaining an upbeat demeanor even at difficult times. Counter to Mr Clark's request, we urge this Board to continue with Dr James Whitfield's contract As-Is, whereby he will maintain best practices, remain committed to current educational methodologies, supporting and communicating with CHHS’s educators, administration, students, parents & all other stakeholders.

Likewise, by signing this petition, we support our GCISD teachers, diverse student body, school support staff and administration while backing the GCISD Board of Trustees Goals and Superintendent Objectives.

Additional References- 2021-2022 Superintendent Objectives :

2021-2022 GCISD Board of Trustees Goals:





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