Initiation of a Royal Commission into the Mainstream Media's Discriminatory and Coercive Reporting


We believe the Mainstream Media have exceeded their original remit for fair and objective reporting in the public interest. Since the onset of the pandemic, they have used their power to coerce, bully and discriminate against Australian Citizens who wish to exercise their rights for personal choice. They have publicly maligned and divided our society in a drive to achieve compliance with vaccine uptake even within States that have not initiated blanket mandates. This division and relentless pressure have caused generational mental anguish amongst our population. The damage caused through the removal of personal autonomy through media influence cannot in any way be understated.

Public interest has descended into public harm with no heed for the consequences to the people they serve. As a business all Media outlets must have a duty of care. We have seen no evidence of accountability, only a blatant disregard to the rights of reply. Further we believe that the twin corporate monopolies have crushed independent reporting and have jointly created the necessary environment for malicious propagandist content. The Press Council, a body positioned to administrate public complaint and maintain media standards, also appears to have avoided its responsibilities.

To this end we are demanding a Federal Royal Commission be initiated against the Mainstream Media investigating why and how it has been able to vilify and humiliate a population of people without fear of reprisal. Additionally we want the Royal Commission terms of reference left open to ensure that the Australian People have open and transparent oversight on the process.

Faith Gerhard from Chippers SA    Contact the author of the petition

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