Improve Service Delivery in Germiston, Ekurhuleni!

Attention: Mayor Mzwandile Masina and City Manager Imogen Mashazi: We the residents of Ward 36 and 92 Germiston, demand: 

1. All budget be spent on the upgrades on the water reticulation infrastructure in the Sunnyridge area, the Korhaan water Tower & Windsor street Pump Station, to prevent the constant water outages in the areas.  Please supply upgrade & maintenance plan for water infrastructure to the relevant Ward Councillors.

2. Feedback on Electricity outages be given on area outages within the Four hour turn around time

3. Street light repairs to become a priority due the risk factor of residents due to dark street, and the increase in crime.

4. COE Call Centre and COE Reporting App, Pre-Paid Electricity Purchases on-line system functioning 24hrs a day to ensure that the Residents of the City of Ekurhuleni have access to reporting service delivery issues and purchase.


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Cllr. Wendy Morgan    Contact the author of the petition

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