Immediate Removal of current Administration at Franklin County Animal Rescue


                               "Speak for the unspeakable"


Dying kittens and dirty cages: Workers allege mistreatment at Franklin County Animal Rescue - VTDigger

We as a community need to stand together for the animals and demand action be taken! FCAR has not only failed the animals but also the community they claim to support! The current administraion has and continues to lie to thier community.

To many animals continue to die unnecessarily and or, are not given the right to a peaceful passing! Many pass due to pure medical neglect!

There is also constant mistreatment of their employees,volunteers and fosters! When staff step forward to voice cocerns they face retaltitory treatment! This has also included some of the Board of Directors themselves when trying to address critical concerns!

We are asking for the immediate removal of Chair person Betsy Liley, Director Eric Ciemniewski and Exective Director Jennifer Dean!  

Let us come together as a communtiy and give these animals the compassion and diginity they deserve! Help us to make FCAR a safe haven for these aniamls! Be there voice and sign our petition!

"We dont have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts when multiplied by millions of people, can change the World!"

For more information please find our page on Facebook, Franklin County Animal Rescue What The Public Should Know

Or our webiste: Friends of Franklin County Animal Rescue (





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