Immediate admission of Ukraine to NATO

Warsaw, 26th February 2022 

Sir Jens Stoltenberg

NATO Secretary General

Dear Sir,

On behalf of all the people signed under this document, who know what it is like when the enemy attacks your land and no one helps you, we ask for determined intervention and immediate admission of our brothers and sisters from Ukraine to NATO.

We are aware that a number of requirements must be met to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, however, in such exceptional circumstances, people are more important than the rules. Many of my friends and their families are staying in Ukraine right now and seeking your help. Among many others it is:
Masha, 19 years old living with her parents in Lviv;
Dmytro, 24 years old- fights in Odessa but has 3 younger sisters;
Vlad, 22 years old - is trying to get his younger siblings and grandparents out of Kiev.

Not to mention the millions of people whose names we do not know, but we do know that they look towards You with hope, dreaming that You will help them. We try our best to organize food and medicaments, we offer accommodation in our homes to unknown people fleeing the war, we support the foundations and actions of our neighbors. We shout loudly and protest both live and on the Internet. We want the whole world to hear us, and we want NATO to finally react firmly in defense of Ukraine!

In your Strategic Concept for the Defense and Security of the Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, adopted by Heads of State and Government in Lisbon (Act 2, 2011 et seq.) you claim;

NATO member states form a unique community of values, committed to the principles of individual freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. The Alliance is unequivocally committed to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and the Washington Treaty, which recognize the primary responsibility of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security.

We kindly ask you to show that these are not empty words on paper, but the values ​​that we profess and really matter. After all, every Polish citizen belongs to the NATO alliance and his vote must count. The scale of the protests, actions, and support in our country shows that the vast majority of us have a similar opinion.

We call for Ukraine to join NATO as soon as possible! Let us stand up for the values ​​we profess, and above all let us help innocent people like Masha, Dmytro, and millions of other Ukrainian brothers and sisters, whose country was invaded by Russia.

Yours sincerely,

Maciej Michalak 

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