I want Irish people union

   While some want and work on "globalization" I think in this century (and the next) the nations will play a more important role than before because, due to the means of communication and information, more person will realize what mean his membership of a certain nation!

   Irish people was hard fought throughout its existence. To rule the Ireland island the British mercilessly massacred not only liberation fighters but the civilians regardless of age and sex. Seeing that the massacre can not easily achieve the purpose they decided starvation the entire population that was rapidly reduced to less than half. Since they set foot on the island, the British did colonization. Because they renounced to Catholicism and became Protestant other religious conflicts seed later. As a result of occupant policy many Irish left birthplace for America and not only.
   The island is now split into independent Irish Republic and Northern Ireland administered by the United Kingdom. This anomaly must disappear!
    The Union is a repair of a historical separation by force. The Irish have the right to recover their ancestral land and to reconcile brothers with brothers after centuries of fighting because of the British invader or including religious war. Healing the wounds of separation of a people is a necessity and contribute to strengthening the climate of peace in the area and even on the planet!

  Irish people gave to US the most powerful family, a "family of presidents". He gave the most beloved president John Kennedy. Unfortunately he was murdered because he loved peace. The same reason was assassinated and his brother Robert / Bobby on the brink of becoming next Kennedy president. I believe that John Jr. was assassinated because he had great chances to become next Kennedy president!

Please sign to unite Irish people!

Sorry for my English, more about Irish history:


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