To UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson,

The people of Great Britain and the wider world urge you to forge an alliance between the Anglosphere countries - the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - with the intent to hold China accountable for their multiple crimes against people and animals.

It has become clear that China's actions pose a very real threat to civilisation and democracy. It is essential that the Anglosphere unites to make it clear to China that their behaviour is unacceptable. 

Not only is China responsible for the coronavirus that has gripped the world, they commit multiple atrocities on humans and animals alike, including stripping Hong Kong of their democratic rights, placing Uighur Muslims in concentration camps, burning and skinning alive millions of dogs and cats each year and treating all species of animals in such barbaric manners that it has resulted in the current pandemic that millions are suffering from and thousands are dying from. Their deliberate and deceitful cover-up of the pandemic will leave potential economic devastation on multiple countries across the globe.

They have shown arrogance and disdain for anyone who calls for an inquiry into their handling of the outbreak, whether it's punishing countries such as Australia with heavy tariffs or attempting to blame the United States for the pandemic. They have shown disrespect and disregard to the UK for their objection to their treatment of Hong Kong, a country we should protect from China's malevolent reign.

They repeatedly get away with their atrocities because the international community will not stand up to them as a collective force.

This has to change. The Anglosphere must unite against China and inflict heavy sanctions on them, pull businesses out of China and take necessary measures to ensure their multiple atrocities on people and animals come to an end. The Anglosphere must unite as countries that share common values and heritage. China is in direct opposition to the values we stand for and we have a moral obligation to act.

The British public and wider world have no wish to purchase any more goods made in China. We can no longer stand by and do nothing while China commits atrocities, simply for fear of offending them. 

We request that an agreement is forged between the five Anglosphere nations to officially condemn China for their actions and implement harsh and necessary measures against the CCP if they don't adhere to the wishes of the international community and bring their brutalities to an end.

We request that UK government puts forward the Anglosphere Executive Agreement to the remaining four countries and begins steps to protect those in China who are suffering, as well as across the wider world.

Sarah Brownlee: Operation Hound    Contact the author of the petition

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