Have EMG drop Matt Coates aka Matty Shreds as an endorsed artist

Matt Coates has a history of preying on unsuspecting individuals that he sells music gear too. This has caused not only enourmous emotional distress on those affected but an additional financial burden that his victims did not anticipate when conducting business with him. Coates is currently an active EMG endorsed artist.

The goal of this petition is to have Matt Coats held accountable for his actions and removed from any endorsement deals from the EMG pickup company. Furthermore, the ESP and ESP/LTD guitar company should not consider him as an artist for their future lineups. 

Real musicians stand united and do not prey on one another for financial or any other malicious gain! We help one another and promote each other's growth and progressions. Let's make this statement heard and let others who may follow in his footsteps know that the community will fight back!

Robert W Morley III    Contact the author of the petition

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