Goodsyard Parking Petition for Affordable Housing Residents

This petition is to go to the local MP, Sage Housing, and Bellway Homes to allocate parking spaces for the affordable housing residents. 
A lot of us moved in between September and December being told that we could speak to someone about getting a parking space allocated to us. We all have been told by Sage Homes that they have no spaces allocated, yet when we speak to others we are told they have a total of at least 11 spaces that are available for allocation, even though there is more than that having been moved in. There is even a "curtesy" disabled bay that has been put in, yet no one is allowed to park in it, even with their badge on display as it belongs to a resident. 
We are asking that the parking allocation be looked into and for spaces to be made available for the housing association tenants, as requested by the council before the buildings got put up. There would also be a question into adding more disabled parking as there is a fair few disabled residents struggling getting from the train station multi story car park to the Goodsyard properties. 

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