Better access to Student Union funds

We want our societies to thrive into the future and continue putting on fantastic events for sutdents. We cannot do this without direct access to the money that  societies raise through fundraising.


Societies and student groups around the UK have bank accounts and cards which allow them to fund trips, NGB qualifications, nights away and bigger events. 


However, at the University of Cumbria student groups and societies do not have direct funds that they have earned or worked hard to build up. Instead money is kept in a central system that only the Student Union have access too. This means that paying and moving money has been extremely difficult for societies and student groups.


This is diabolical and NEEDS TO CHANGE. Students should have access to money that has been generated by events that they put on. We need the University of Cumbria Students Union to provide societies with accounts that they can access.


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Alex Littlechild (Ambleside Campus Rep)    Contact the author of the petition

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