Give anencephalic babies a chance in life


I'm starting this petition to hopefully help anencephalic babies get the chance in life they deserve my son was born to anencephaly and although he only passed away just after his cord was cut the medical professionals refused to try and help him as he had anencephaly which means his brain and skull hadn't developed correctly so there is no chance of survival although in America several babies have made it to the age of 3 upto now but in America and other places they will do everything to keep that baby alive weather it's some oxygen or resuscitation anything but in the UK they won't do anything they are still babies and should be treated like babies it's really upsetting noing that not everything possible was tried to save my son and other babies with these conditions whilst we no nothing can save them but noing that someone is going to try is very important surely even if u only get 1hour with ur baby alive is better than nothing or even if the doctors tried to save your baby but they couldn't isn't it better noing someone has tried please sign this petition and help other babies with a chance at life