FREE Attractive Male Specimen from TYRANNY

The Oppressive Incel Moderators at "Lonely Hearts" discord server have silenced a leader of free speech. Attractive Male Specimen got in a heated disagreement with one of the peasants he sits upon. An uprising was imminent among the Incel community, all wishing to silence AMS (Attractive Male Specimen) who distracted the longing and lustful eyes of the few female members such as Sally and Jess. They were so Intimidated by the pure beauty and stature of AMS, they felt they had no choice but to form a rally cry through DM's to brainwash the easily manipulated Owners and Managers. That of which have been diagnosed with degenerative brain disease. AKA their Brain Dead. The Incels used propganda techniques akin to Soviet Russia. Through deception and deceipt they got AMS silenced indefinitely.

I know ask you, to rise up, for what is right, and FIGHT BACK against the Tyranny and Oppression of Lonely Hearts Elitists. For it is the commoners that hold true power in this world. For honour, free speech, and the lust you feel for AMS. I ask you to sign this petition to have Attractive Male Specimen unmuted and free at once.

Girl who opens her legs for AMS    Contact the author of the petition