Support Filipino Sign Language Act of 2012 - House Bill 6079

Quoted post


#113 everyone

2012-11-03 10:35

I support not FSL only but ALL!!! House Bill FSL "force" --"mandate" use FSL ONLY in all tv, school, cmmunicate, etc... this is not give respect to others who not use fsl. how about deaf use oral? we "force"them to use FSL also? House Bill FSL must change and say "use all ways to help deaf" not only FSL but ALL (asl, see, oral,etc)!!! which deaf comfortable..if not comfortable in FSL then use other. do not "force". everyone cool down. hearing people some love english, some love tagalog...up to them. Let us open to all. I want to learn all. So not limit only FSL please. so when go other countery can communicate with other people hearing. I want learn english also so communicate with hearing not only deaf.



#116 Re: everyone

2012-11-04 08:52:52

#113: Deafy - everyone 


Yes you are correct! I study oral elementary then high school SEE then college FSL. All help me talk, understand and write. Please give deaf people all not only FSL. I support sign language act not limit FSL. Please. Hope you understand and respect.