Opposition to ITV

Quoted post

Mohamed Adam - ITV

#102 Re: Criticism of Ulama openly!

2012-07-29 00:27

#99: Inaayat Abdool Satar. email: mr.ias1@yahoo.com - Criticism of Ulama openly! 

I fully agree with your wise words. Please criticise ITV and not the individual Ulema for the wrongs of ITV. Please do not mention any individual Ulema by name. I fully agree with your words of wisdom.

The organisation ITV should be criticised for any shortcomings. We are willing to address any concerns and make improvements to the station. We also respect the view that some people hold that all forms of TV is Haraam. In this case there is nothing which can be done as a Haraam cannot be improved. However the purpose of ITV is to be an means for those who currently do have the view that there could be some benefit of TV which is devoid of all forms of Haraam then ITV is striving to meet their needs for a source of information.

Please do not blame presenters and or people who appear on ITV for the faults of itv or name individual persons. There will be no benefit in that. Direct your criticism at ITV.

May Allah (SWT ) Guide us and let this debate lead us to a correct decision for the benefit of the Muslim Ummah. 




#105 Re: Re: Criticism of Ulama openly!

2012-07-29 11:17:27

#102: Mohamed Adam - ITV - Re: Criticism of Ulama openly!

We ask ALLAH to guide us but we persisit on continuing and justifying our evil. - May ALLAH save us all. AAMEEN