Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album

Quoted post

Cecilia Guzmán ~ Jackson

#1276 Sony, just to fool us!

2010-11-20 17:34

There was so eagerly awaited this album and now Sony has come out with "this surprise," I think without respect and consideration for all fans. Michael loved his fans, never the fool with a material that is not yours ... But of course, Sony fans do not give a s***, right?
All his fans will not let this album out birth as some songs are not sung by him.
Stop trading with Michael Jackson.
Sony s**** .l.


Cecilia Guzmán ~ Jackson

#1277 Sony, just to fool us!

2010-11-20 17:38:08

Habíamos esperado tanto este disco & ahora $ony nos sale con "esta sorpresa". Yo pienso que son unos sin respeto & consideración por todos los fans, nosotros. Michael amaba a sus fans, él nunca publicaría un material que no fuera suyo.. Pero claro, a $ony los fans de Michael les importa una m*****, no?
Todos los fans nos podremos en contra de este álbum, el cual no todas las canciones son de Michael.
Detengamos el comercio con Michael.
$ony s**** .l.