Justice for Nasser Ahmed

Quoted post



2016-11-15 14:21

I have worked in many schools in Tower Hamlets, and I have seen with my own eyes on how some of the teachers shouts, and treats children with disrespect, all front of their parents, purley because majority parents are not able to speak English or has much knowledge on education sector and therefore teachers do take advantages on this. There has been times when teachers will give you crape nonsense when you do request for explanation etc but on the other hand they will always try to blame parents if we do something. I feel so sad that this child's life has been taken away. Imagin he left in the morning and never came back alive, we all have children and we all wait 3:30 to recieve our child happily but for this child he never made it home. How devastating this id and heart breaking.
I think the teacher should be life sentenced for man slaughter and also other additional teachers who also contributed in neglecting thos child should also be punished. Cath Smith in Channel S interview and on her statement never mentioned about why it happened and what actually happened? All she said is, they have always an adult by etc, if so? Then why did this happen?
They could have prevented, also I pwrsonally do not think a child should be kept in basement level whether he has asthma or not, it's just not ideal , it's more like keeping them in dungeons or celler . This is just not right at all!



#165 Re: syeda

2016-11-15 19:29:07

#104: -  

  1.  I was literally in tears reading your comment. Absolutely true I have seen it too. And yes we wait for our children to come back home at 3.30pm . No child no mother should have to go threw this.