Brian Isaacs should not be dismissed

Quoted post



2016-06-09 05:53

"Past " pupils is self explanatory, as with all media,Internet and other hype over Brian Isaacs dismissal . His past accolades ,achievements and excellence has scant bearing on the current situation he now finds himself ,through his own unacceptable behaviour of attacking his employer publicly, and bullying neighbouring residents , over the school PA system , which has further resulted to him being taken to court for hate speech ,fighting in public and calling residents scum .

Nobody is a saint or an island unto oneself ,neither is Brain Isaacs .His past excellence doesn't justify his current behaviour ,nor the fact that his dismissel includes dishonesty ,which is leaves a huge question mark about whether he is fit to continue in his post . People become so consumed by disbelief , of what's happened to Brian Isaacs that they miss the boat ccompletly.



#6 Re:

2016-06-15 11:23:31

#2: -  

 Indeed. He also openly defied the court order to refrain from using the external PA system, as well as the terms of his suspension stating he is not to attend school property during this period. On both counts, he has coerced both staff and pupils into denying acknowledgement of his presence and/or conduct.
This man, for all that he has achieved, is a poor example to the young impressionable minds currently under his care by not taking responsibility for HIS own actions. Everytime HE is due to be held accountable, HE deliberatly misdirects the blame by lashing out at others under the claim of one conspiracy or another, and claiming associate vicimisation by including others, i.e. Race, School, Community, etc, so that they too assume the charge or accusation targets them too.

Stand up Mr Issacs, and take responsibility for YOUR actions, and stop hiding behind others and past accolades. Be truthful about how many charges there have been in the last five years alone, and if someone with such a record is indeed still worthy of his post.

"We must avoid defending the indefensible simply because we feel an attack on them is an attack on us" - Thuli Madonsela