Reinstate 1 yr Applied Ba ECCE @ Carlow IT for higher capitation

Quoted post


#20 Re: Re: Re:

2016-04-15 20:21

#15: - Re: Re:  

 Look at the actual requirements of  Carlow IT. They don't just take any students you have to have level 6 and 3 years working in the industry. People have study lies level 5 and 6 and work full time in childcare before even having an interview to get to do level 7. We have worked hard to get here. 



#21 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2016-04-15 20:46:41

#20: - Re: Re: Re:  

 If it's my comments you are referring to I completely agree with you. What I was trying to say is someone can come out of school and go straight in2 a degree course...yes this should be 3 years for them. Then other have spent (in my case) 2 years fulltime doing a level 5, a year and a few thousand euro later completing a Montessori diploma, a couple of thousand again and 2 more years part time do complete level 6 plus 14 years experience and I was willing to do another year at a cost of another €2-3 thousand euro to complete my level 7. Other level 7 courses are competed in 2 years, if u have your level 6 you are exempt from.some of level 7 plus it's one night a week so surely by going twice a week and by putting in the hard work necessary it is achievable in one year. 

My point is if u have no other study or experience behind u then level 7 should be 3 years full time. With a level 5 and 6 behind you level 7 can be achieved in one year. The people who completed it in.2014 and 2015 are proof of that!