No More Economic Migrants In Britannia Hotel Standish

Quoted post


#11 Re:

2015-11-06 11:04

#2: -  

 Thank you for taking the time to get in touch. I totally agree with your concerns and will do what I can to address them. I would appreciate it if you could forward your message on to MP Lisa Nandy and make her aware of your concerns because she hasn't replied to any of my contact up to now. Thanks again for getting in touch and please contact me again anytime in future if you have any further concerns. Best Regards



#21 Re: Re:

2015-11-09 18:10:52

#11: - Re:  

 Possibly because she doesn't want to draw attention to and legitimise a racist? 


#76 Re: Re:

2016-01-10 09:51:59

#11: - Re:  

 I have had a response from Lisa but she is supportive of the asylum seekers. Even signing a pledge along with other groups in standish welcoming the asylum seekers. What she doesnt support is the process of using hotels whilst they are waiting to find out if they are granted the right to stay in the UK. However, I would continue writing to her (everybody) as she is out of touch with local feeling. Emailing her works.


The council is planning a "have your voice" at the Unity club in Standish on 25th Jan. It would be an opportunity for everyone on here to attend and get our views across.


(I do not know time).


Can we somehow publicise this on here or to all those that signed the petition, or on facebook?