Facebook isn't a reason to withdraw PIP.

Quoted post



2015-10-25 23:50

Any fool knows that it is easy enough to prop your tablet on a pillow on your tummy, while laying in bed, and type with one finger whilst resting your wrist on said pillow or your own tummy...
If you've done it,like I do every day, you know it IS possible...
IF they can find me a full time job while laying in bed with my tablet propped up, that accepts I can only type for a short while and then need to rest or sleep...I AM your lady..:)



#51 Re:

2015-10-26 11:38:28

#29: -  

 You're right.  They think we only have desk top computers in the living room which take more effort to use than a laptop, tablet or smart phone.  Or that we don't have internet access at home so have to find a library or cyber cafe.  They are living in the past circa 2004.