Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!

Quoted post



2014-11-22 03:30

Please do not cancel 19 Kids & Counting! It is one of the extremely few shows I actually look forward to or even consider worth watching these days! This really shouldn't be about the gay/straight issue. It's about people having a right to their beliefs, values and opinions, and having the right to express them even if they differ from what someone else may believe. If we live in a country where people are free to have a gay pride parade then by the same reasoning we should also be able to have a T.V. show expressing traditional family values! I assume that most people who own a T.V. are capable of using the remote control to either change the channel or turn the T.V. off if they don't like what is being shown. No one is being "forced" to watch this show so please don't ruin it for those of us who do appreciate the Duggars and the family values they represent.



#2586 Re:

2014-11-22 03:51:44

#2579: --- -  

 Beautifully said & I am in total agreement.