Help get permission for Conrad to own a therapy dog in Bellamont Gardens

Quoted post


#66 RE: Your 5c back

2014-08-01 11:36

#60: -

Your 5c is so not worth the big money you have paid for your unit. Not only are you discriminating against Shelley and Conrad (yes, they do have names) but you have are also putting them into a catagory trying to insinuate that they are not worthy to be residence in YOUR complex as it seems to me you are the sole owner of Bellamont Gardens and all final decisions are made by you. I am Ashley Shelley's sister, who started this petition against you snobs. See unlike you I am not scared to use my name as you are. Coward, I guess. There has been no decision as to what service dog Conrad may get. So, please do not make assumptons before you have the facts. Tell me, have you ever had a one on one with Conrad? Who gives you the right to say "This little boy get extremely aggressive when he has his fits. Where is this poor dog to hide when he is going through these fits and what if no matter how well the dog is trained he bites the little boy." Have you ever seen Conrad interacting with any animal? I pray to God that you will never have to be in the same situation as what Shelley is in as I can guarantee you, it will be a lonely jorney for you. Remember, what you give out to others does come back to you. I hope you are able to sleep at night.



#67 Re: RE: Your 5c back

2014-08-01 12:16:54


#77 Re: RE: Your 5c back

2014-08-06 17:25:27


#91 Re: RE: Your 5c back

2014-11-25 11:48:36

#66: I LOVE MY AUTISTIC NEPHEW - RE: Your 5c back  

 Seriously there are A LOT OF OWNERS at Bellamont that agree with me people that are animal lovers.  Why move into a complex if you don't like the rules and regulations if you are not going to adhere to them.  This has NOTHING to do with your nephew I am sure he is a lovely child but rules are rules and that is why they were put in place.  ANNNND I DO SLEEP VERY WELL at night thank you not like all of you are wasting time and energy trying to get this poor animal into the complex.  Let your sister move out to somewhere where she can have an animal.  If she has sooooo much money and can give sooooo much money to charities etc then why does she not buy her own house and then she can have loads of dogs for her little boy.  So all the laws that are put in place in South Africa means you can do whatever you want that is what you are saying because you have constitutional rights.  Funny how a judge saw our side.