Quoted post



2014-04-25 17:43

The exact same thing happened in the scottish highlands.. the so called highland famine.. the removal of food at the expence of the ancient.celtic peoples.. to feed and cloth troops 4 englands wars with france and its empire


Helen Kennedy-Hancock

#318 The Genocide of the Irish People

2014-05-11 07:31:23

On this day it is time to spread the TRUTH about the Famine and that is not the version the Brits tell. Who better to tell that truth than Americans of Irish descent, as we are the ones who know it best. The truth has been handed down in our families and kept very much alive.

Against all odds our grandmothers and great grandmothers survived and risked everything to make a better life for us. Their great pain and struggle should never be forgotten. The British Empire's hand in the starving out of the Irish people ranks among the greatest crimes against humanity.

Never forget!