Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority

Quoted post



2014-04-24 19:00

So when government doesn't act for the people they represent, what happens??? People seek other avenues of justice such as bringing egregious acts to the attention of the citizens the government should serve. Had I have been presented with information regarding some of the actions alleged of other officers in this forum with legitimate, referenced police investigations to back them up, action to sign a similar petition may have been taken by many citizens! What if the officer accused of domestic violence with a case to back it up was dismissed for a "legal" loophole, would you not be outraged knowing in your ethical mind that spousal abuse is not acceptable despite what the LAW may say? Where is that police investigation and petition...I'll sign it!! Sex with consenting teens is also not acceptable in the eyes of many despite what the law says. Those of us who have been failed by our government are exercising our American right to express our thoughts and beliefs in a civilized forum.


chemical X

#110 Re:

2014-04-24 19:04:32

#108: Logical -

Tell Josh hi for us unless you are Josh under a different name.