Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority

Quoted post

Yolanda J.

#59 .

2014-04-23 20:19

Your audacity is unbelievable Mr.Calder, you stated earlier in comment #41 that you know Mr.Brown not only on a co-worker level but a personal level. Yet you sit here and judge and keep attempting to downgrade this Sgt after basically calling him a friend. When you typed this petition was there a character limit? If, not I'm not understanding why you didn't give more actual facts and information for people to see both sides. The petition you gave us to read and put our opinions into is completely one-sided, it's mainly your opinion on the incident (that has been closed by the court). When writing a petition, you need to state both sides of the matter and give the true facts. As a police officer you sir should know better. Mr.Yazzie and Lt. Alexander are completely on point about this situation. You have Mr.Yazzie, not even a law official who has learned the facts and putting it out there unlike you to show people the actual truth and you have Lt. Alexander who is a law official like yourself you also knows the true facts and the ways of law enforcement, both shutting you down. Good job at being a biased sob though.


Joshua Calder
The author of this petition

#62 Re: .

2014-04-23 21:26:58

#59: Yolanda J. - .

in the petition i gave you the case number and the policy numbers so that you could review it for yourself.