Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Quoted post



2011-07-11 02:32

Would seem so, the dates match

and i meant local as in local area history admittedly fairly recent


Steve McCarron

#757 Re:

2011-07-11 14:52:49

#754: -

The tethered grazing you are talking about was carried out by ponies belonging to travellers.

This was almost exclusiveley carried out on the bottom terraceadjacent to the Worcester Road.

The horses where tethered only on grass clearings because that is what horse like to eat, like cattle.

There were only a couple of horses grazing at any one time, if at all.

This was stopped by WCC about 3-5 years ago.

This practice had not changed for 50 years at least before.

So you are trying to say that the felling of all of these mature trees is ok because of the lack of tethered grazing?

If you ask  local travellers, which I suspect you did not, they will confirm the above details and I know who I would rather believe

No wonder you will not give out your real name. These schemes have more holes than a swiss cheese!


Steve McCarron

This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)

2011-07-11 18:50:14