Against Coventry Councils Rates Demands

Quoted post



2014-02-12 16:51

One function of local, city district or county councils should be to promote the set up and growth of businesses and local ones at that, within the areas under their remit.
Instead we see ludicrous rates charged and insane parking charges leading quite simply to dead high streets. At the same time chain stores get grants for building out of town stores and people are permitted to park for free. Councils then panic as revenues drop and raise the rates again. Until they realise that an easier hand will generate more prosperous communities the country will never recover.
Environmentally it is better shopping in your town than driving out of it to some mega complex, socially and economically for the town itself. Please Coventry, why don't you lead the way and regenerate your city and show the rest of the nation what it should be doing!!



#7 Re:

2014-02-12 16:54:35

#6: Ken -

Thank you mr Harding well put