Save Raigmore Maternity Beds

Quoted post



2011-06-15 01:09

We need as many people as possible, so please sign x



#70 Re:

2011-06-15 23:41:41

#1: -

I lived on The Isle of Skye and had both my sons in ward 9. My youngest, now 14, spent the 1st 3 weeks of his life in the SCBU. The treatment we got in Raigmore was amazing, can not fault it at all. Where would I have had my children if there was no ward 9??? it's criminal to even think about closing it


#83 Re:

2011-06-16 07:33:56

#1: - Terrible to think that they are willing to send mothers home after just 6 hours. This trial is a farce, a simple money saving exercise. When you see the terrible wastage that occurs in the NHS from the inside, with a huge management team, huge IT team, incompetent or unneeded staff "redeployed" rather than released and people paid salaries far in excess of midwifes to do stress awareness training and other useless jobs it beggars belief. This scheme will, in the long term, cause more problems as children with perhaps milder disabilities will be missed and early support which is so important will not be given, perhaps until too late.



#111 Re:

2011-06-17 01:38:44

#1: -  


I couldn't agree more all together I was in hospital for 5 weeks due to pre eclampsia and due to this my son was born 6 and a half weeks early, I was taken by ambulance to Glasgow as there was a shortage of scbu cots and I have never felt soooooo alone in all my life, I ended up with post natal depression and took a long time to bond with my son, however I cannot fault all the staff at raigmore they acted within their means, but my story highlights the effect of further travel for new mums, what I ask is the people who are making the decisions, do they have children or ever had!!! They are selfish and have no idea the impact that this would have on mums, I am sooooooo angered by this. Most of my time was spent at raigmore and when I got flown back from Glasgow they literally welcomed me with open arms, the ward was full practically the whole time I was there, the midwives were amazing and there support during my time there I feel helped me eventually combat my post natal depression, my extended tip being a first time mum with pre eclampsia and no one able to visit as too far away, this is what they are aiming towards, bunch of beurocratic pigs, I am truly disgusted! My son is 5 now and we hv a truly amazing bond.


#125 Re:

2011-06-18 02:16:46

#1: -  

 Totally agree with the comment below,Raigmore is top heavy and as usual the real workers have to suffer and put patient care at risk. Why not look at savings by cutting the number of highly paid staff that attend meetings who decide to make cutbacks but do not understand the job nor its implications.Monetary savings should be targetted at these managers who do a lot of talking but very little real work.