Say no to stalybridge mosque

Quoted post


#364 Re: Re:

2013-10-27 18:15

#363: Average Bloke livin' int Bridge. - Re:

average bloke making average posts. Instead of waffling and spouting platitudes, perhaps you'd care to reveal whether you live as a white British native right in the middle of a muslim neighbourhood.... Because if you don't and you currently reside in Stalybridge and you are white British yourself, then perhaps you ought to put your money where your politically correct mouth is and move yourself and your family right into the middle of some muslim neighbourhood, instead of demanding that the rest of us roll on over and watch another one of our English towns begin taking on the flavour of oldham and Bradford and the likes. In case you haven't noticed chump there's a grooming and rape epidemic relating to muslim men targeting young white girls. Traitorous morons like you are responsible for that, and that alone is one good reason for white communities resisting creeping islamisation reaching their backyards. Just because the powers-that-be bully and cajole us into submissive silence on such matters doesn't in itself determine truth and falsehood.


Average Bloke livin' int Bridge.

#365 Re: Re: Re:

2013-10-27 18:39:55

#364: - Re: Re:

Your resort to namecalling is yet another clear signal to others of your insecurity. Your vocabulary is clearly better than mine but your understanding of social skills is lacking. I am sure that readers of this debate will be able to see that. I am able to use the words that you use but what you seem to fail to understand is that 100's, indeed 1000's of people are reading what you write. I wonder what they think of your lack of ability to engage in debate without resorting to namecalling ? It strikes me that you are not as intelligent as your comments may suggest . . .