Petition for the August 1st Calendar

Quoted post


#619 Cheating...

2011-03-03 07:42

Amazing that only those who were for the balanced calendar "cheated." Also amazing that every person I've spoken with has told me they voted for the balanced calendar. You'd think that if there were even odds that people were for either calendar, that half of the parents I've spoken with would have been for the "traditional" calendar and against the balanced one. That probably just means that people are lying about what they did. There's certainly no chance that there really were at least 70 percent of the people who wanted to keep the balanced calendar for two more years, or at least were against switching to either of the other two calendars.



#620 Re: Cheating...

2011-03-03 14:03:54

#619: Doug - Cheating... 

 I haven't seen anyone anywhere say that ONLY the balanced calendar folks cheated.

The survey was fraudulent.

The election was not.