Petition for the August 1st Calendar

Quoted post

Cobb parent and teacher

#425 412 Re :Re: Re: Re: People need breaks

2011-02-26 14:07

To the person that keeps making so many rude comments - are you a child in CCSD (as your comments indicate) or a parent? If you are a parent - God help the teachers who have your children in class. If this is how you teach them to behave- they must be a nightmare. If you are unhappy with teachers in Cobb County - take a good look in the mirror. It is having to deal with people like you that causes good teachers to get so burned out and leave the profession. But I'm sure you don't care because obviously a good education is not your priority but being a jerk is at the top of your list.



#432 Re: 412 Re :Re: Re: Re: People need breaks

2011-02-27 02:52:05

#425: Cobb parent and teacher - 412 Re :Re: Re: Re: People need breaks 

 are you a child in CCSD?  No.  I'm a Cobb valedictorian who is embarrassed by the child-like behavior shown by the bottom-feeding teachers ranting at the board meetings and boards like this.  So, I mock them.  I've never had anything but excellent teachers and neither have my children. 

My children do quite well in school.  One son pleasantly suprised me with a citzenship award a couple of years ago.

I'm not unhappy with teachers in Cobb County, I'm unhappy with the bottom-feeders who make the excellent teachers in Cobb County look bad.

Holli is a loser, those who support her are losers

Traditional calendar supporters won ALL elections.

They did what they said they would do.

The Board Chair is A TEACHER WHO WORKS IN A BALANCED CALENDAR DISTRICT - and she voted against it.

There will be no recall.

The petitions are cute.

By the way, what does my family have to do with anything.  Jerk.