Petition for the August 1st Calendar

Quoted post

Janet Metcalf

#6 August 1 calendar

2011-02-19 00:18

Do not understand how our votes did not count - please explain


Cobb Taxpayer

#272 Re: August 1 calendar

2011-02-22 04:25:15

#6: Janet Metcalf - August 1 calendar

Janet, what the public didn't know was that only one school board member, Lyndda Crowder, insisted on the survey, that anyone in the world with a computer could take. (and apparently hack the system to vote multiple times). The other board members voted their conscience, and voted how they told their district constituents they would.  They promised if elected to work toward a later school start, which seems to show better academic success, (the higher performing states all start later), and makes so much sense from a financial standpoint - saving significant amounts on electricity during August.