Save the Bay of Ancón/Salvemos la Bahía de Ancón

Jorge Caillaux

/ #2 Environmental and social responsibility is a moral duty

2011-02-04 12:56

If one of the most powerful and significant corporate groups of a country, like is the case of Grupo Romero in Perú, does not respect the value of the ecosystems and uses its political and economical influences just to accomplish private interests,it means that its managers and directors are taken not only bad decisions but also asuming a responsibility that will sooner or later have to pe paid. They still have time and information enough to decide a better solution changing the site of ith projected port, respecting Ancón and the local interests of many many people that could built a better future in a sustainable manner with all the rich natural resources provided by said beautiful and petite bay so near to the center of Lima.
Hope the citizens of the world help us save the bay of Ancón.