Opposition to ITV


/ #470 Re: Re:

2012-08-20 15:46

#469: Husain - Re:

I'll tell you why they won't give a chance to other Ulama to state their views from the Masjied Mimbar. They skrik. Once the doors open they won't be able to stop the Ulama of Haq. In the Masjied where i perform salaah, the Imaam tried to hijack the Shariah newspaper. I appraoched the committee. They checked out the paper. Nothing evil was written. They asked the Imaam why he wanted it not to be distributed. The Imaam said "because they against our Jamiat and our seniors said that we must not allow it to be distributed". So a doctor asked "why are they against your Jamiat. Are the Gauteng Jamiat getting paid or something for being against your Jamiat?. I only see that they quote the Qur'an and hadith and have different views and the public have a right to know those views. How is your seniors responding to the Jamiat Gauteng views which are the same views of the majority of the Moulana's in the country?" The Imaam could not reply.

Alhamdulilah, now we have the Shariah distributed.